Costa Vows to remove “Monster” Weah -Says JNB Leadership will save Liberia

MONROVIA – The much-heralded return to Liberia of controversial talk show host Henry Pedro Costa, who fled the country in January 2020 under mounting threats of incarceration, has reportedly opened a cankerworm of worrisome contentions for President George Manneh Weah and his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), as the Council of Patriots (COP) founder has vowed to ensure that former Vice President Joseph Nyuman Boakai, commonly called JNB, becomes the next president of Liberia, because, just as Joseph saved Israel from famine in the Biblical days when he was sold as a slave to Egypt by his brothers, the Unity Party Standard Bearer will rescue Liberians from the pits of degradations they’ve descended under President Weah.

Entering the Liberian capital Friday, December 30, 2022 to a somewhat initial lukewarm, which later turned out into a tumultuous heroic welcome, Costa, who is also gunning for a seat at the Liberian legislature, assured Liberians that ten months from now, there will have a new president in the Mansion – and that person will not be the incumbent George Weah.

“His son is not playing for America. His girlfriend is not in Ghana. He ain’t got children all over the place. All of his family are right here. He’s been married for 50 years. He’s a family man. He’s a deacon in the church. He is not a fake pastor. He’s a truly decent, honorable, humbled man; and when he becomes president, he will lift this country up, and then he will prepare us the young people, and he will turn it over to us, and together, we will take this country, and we will move with this country, and Liberia will become what it can be – that sweet land of liberty. Not sweet land of liberty for a few people; not sweet land of liberty for Congau people or Country people, but for all Liberians,” Costa shouted passionately as hundreds of Liberians thronged to listen to his message of redemption.

“Some of you ask me why do you support Joseph Nyuma Boakai for President. Do you know the story about Joseph in the Bible? Joseph’s brothers were so jealous of him. They sold him into slavery; but they didn’t know what they were doing – they were his destiny helpers and they didn’t know that. And then famine would fall upon the land, and they would go seeking food, and their brother had now become prime minister, and he would help them. This Joseph that we have, this Joseph who was betrayed by Ellen to put this monster upon us.

“When I told the Liberian people Kojologbo and poison, I told you it would happen. I said you take the Kojologbo, it will be bitter, but it will make you well; but when you drink the poison, it will kill you. 

“Today, we are dying. But I’ve come here to give you hope. This flag will fly once again; and we will build a Liberia where your children and my children can have a great future, where you don’t have to go to America to own a car; you don’t have to go to a foreign country to own a house. You can live in this country, with the blessings that God has bestowed on us, we can make this country work for every human being in this country. But to do that, you must have the right leadership,” Costa stated emphatically.

Speaking on Liberia’s perennial resource curse, Costa said natural resources alone cannot build a country. He intoned that a country is built by visionary leadership; honest leadership – a leadership of integrity.

“And that is the leadership that Joe Boakai will bring to this country. And I have said this: I’d rather not be a senator; I will give up my senatorial aspirations in order for Joe Boakai to be president if I have to. And you know why? Because as Senator, there is not a significant difference we will make in the senate, if we don’t have a decent president in the Mansion.

“But with the right president, and Pedro in the Senate, we can change this country. We will make good laws that will benefit all of our people,” Costa intoned.

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