The case involving former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott took a dramatic turn on Thursday, June 22, 2023 when she and three other accused were whisked from her Sinkor residence and taken to the Monrovia Central Prison, otherwise known as South Beach, where they will spend their first night on charges of murder, criminal facilitation and providing false statements to the police.
Our reporter who visited the scene of the former Chief Justice’s home in Sinkor said Cllr. Scott, Ma Getrude Newton, Rebecca Y. Wisner and Alice C. Johnson had already packed their bags and were awaiting the court sheriffs who later arrived and whisked them off to South Beach prison.
The high-profile case involving the gruesome murder of Ms. Charloe Musu on February 23, 2023 at Cllr. Scott’s Lower Virginia home has sparked a lot of controversies for the past four months, with conspiracy theorists pointing accusing fingers at Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee as the mastermind of the act.
But surprisingly, the police in a press conference held at the Ministry of Information on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 said, following intense investigation into the matter, there was no proof that Koijee and another accused, Varlee Tehleh, were involved into Charloe Musu’s death; rather it was accordingly established that there was no intruder that entered Cllr. Scott’s compound; and that in fact, the deceased was found severely wounded in Cllr. Scott’s bathroom.
“One will ask why this family is being held as the prime suspect. The theory is, it has been established and proven beyond all reasonable doubt, first of all, that there was no intruder, as is being speculated or being alleged. No intruder at all. And because we are saying there was no intruder at all, we will want to go to the extent that you, the Liberian people and members of the Fourth Estate will know the home that we are talking about. The protection that this home has, how fortified the home is, to even have the slightest thought that this home being infiltrated by unknown person, to commit crime and escape again, this is why we want you to know that the police have got no reason to accuse anyone falsely; we have got nothing to hide. We have done this work with other credible stakeholders and citizens alike. We’ve got credible witnesses who at the appropriate time will appear in court to testify,” said Deputy Inspector General Prince Mulbah, who is also head of the Crime Investigative Division of the LNP.
It can be recalled that it was on the same Wednesday that Criminal Court “C” set the accused free after listening to the merits of the Habeas Corpus writ filed against the Government of Liberia through the Liberian National Police (LNP). To the astonishment of everyone that had gathered at the Temple of Justice, and many who had believed that Madam Scott would have been immediate served a writ of arrest on the court grounds after the hearing, the former Chief Justice was instead hurtled into her parked black jeep by her lawyers as the bailiffs hurriedly opened the gates.
However, taking on another dramatic turn yesterday, former Chief Justice Cllr Gloria Musu-Scott and the three accused were jailed at South Beach as their lawyers scuttled to secure their release on bond.
In his writ of arrest, the City Court Stipendiary Magistrate L. Ben Barco said the defendants were charged with Murder, Criminal Conspiracy, and making False Reports to Law Enforcement Officials.
The alleged actions of the defendants violate sections 14.1, 10.4, and 12.33 of the new Penal Law of Liberia.
The prosecution lawyers further informed the Court that the former Chief Justice and three others allegedly used sharp instruments believed to be a knife, and that they collude, connive, and conspire to stab victim the late Charloe Musu multiple times resulting in her untimely death.
Further to the prosecution report to the court, the defendants reported to the police that the death of the deceased was caused by the stabbing done by an unknown man who intruded into their house.
When former Chief Justice Scott and the three others were brought before the Monrovia City Court on Wednesday, the state was represented by the Ministry of Justice and its prosecution attorneys, while the defendants were represented by their lawyers.
During the hearing, the defense lawyers prayed the court to grant a criminal appearance bill bond by allowing the defendants to be released, citing Chapter 13, Sub-chapter 13.1 of the Criminal Procedure Law of Liberia.
Meanwhile, the prosecution lawyers also requested the court to deny and dismiss the defense lawyers’ motion on grounds that the crimes leveled against the defendant are capital offenses.
However, Magistrate Ben Barco has reserved ruling into the matter to have a broader understanding before making a final determination into the matter.
The senior prosecutor at the Ministry of Justice said the former chief justice was released by Criminal Court C Judge A. Blamo Dixon because she is not an ordinary person.
He said if this matter had involved any ordinary person, they were never going to be released as the former chief justice and others’ rights were never violated as petition.
This also speaks in the tone of the Ministry of Justice’s Senior prosecutor that the former chief justice was released because of her status with the judiciary.
Cllr Gould informed judiciary reporters that the four alleged suspects have not been charged as confirmed by police authorities at the recent Ministry of Information press conference held on Thursday, June 21, 2023.
He maintained that the former chief justice and others are undergoing investigation for murder, criminal conspiracy, and making false statements to officers.
Prior to their incarceration Thursday at the Monrovia Central Prison, Criminal Court “C” Judge Blamo Dixon had granted the defense lawyers’ request for a writ of Habeas Corpus that saw the release of the former chief justice and three others.
The judge said that the detention has been within the 48 hours period and that the former chief justice has been reporting to the police headquarters regularly for questioning.
At the same time, the police authorities have confirmed that they have resolved to charge the former chief justice and others with murder.
The LNP authorities further revealed that during their investigations it was established and proven beyond all reasonable doubt that there were no break-ins into the home of the former chief justice.
The Scotts lawyers however revealed that the actions on the part of the police is sufficient to trigger a writ of Habeas Corpus while praying the court to produce the living body of the suspect.
Article 1 f provides forty-eight hours for every person arrested or detained to be formally charged and presented before a court of competent jurisdiction within the time frame.
The lawyers also cited Article 21 G which states that the right to the writ of habeas corpus, being essential to the protection of human rights, shall be guaranteed at all times, and any person arrested or detained and not presented to the court within the period specified may, in consequence, exercise this right.
Judge Dixon also cited Justice Minister Musa Dean and Police Inspector General Patrick Sudue to appear before the court on Wednesday, June 21, at about 12pm for final determination into the matter.
“You are commanded to produce the living bodies of Cllr Gloria Musu Scott, Ma Rebecca Youdeh Wisner, Gertrude Newton and Alice Johnson presently in the custody of the Liberia National Police, together with the cause of such detention before the 1st Judicial Circuit Criminal Court “C” for Montserrado County.
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