As political campaigns wind down in Liberia’s vote-rich Lofa County today, reports filtering in from the field speak of a tight two-horse race between the Coalition for Democratic Change-supported Lofa County senatorial candidate, Cllr. Joseph K. Jallah, and the Unity Party candidate, Galakpai Kortimai. However, filing directly from Lofa County, Liberia Broadcasting Corporation Deputy Director General for Public Affairs Jallah Grayfield in his reports said Cllr. Jallah is set to win Lofa, evidenced by Foya District falling to the CDC-aligned candidate.

According to Mr. Grayfield, quoting Montserrado County District #5 Representative Thomas Fallah, popularly known as “T-Five”, who is in Lofa County seriously campaigning for his candidate Cllr. Joseph K. Jallah, “Foya District has fallen to the CDC and we will win Lofa”.
T-Five’s confidence comes against the background of Foya District Paramount Chief Momo Taylor turning over the keys of Foya District to the CDC-supported candidate Cllr. Joseph K. Jallah at a well-organized campaign launch of the CDC last Friday at the CDC headquarters on the outskirts of Foya.
Turning over the keys of Foya District to Cllr. Jallah, Chief Momo Taylor who currently serves as Paramount Chief of Foya District, and is the oldest son of former Paramount Chief of Foyah District Tamba Taylor said, given the unprecedented level of development being undertaken by the CDC, evidenced by the construction of street lights and the pavement of the various streets of Foya, projects that are strongly supported by Representative Thomas Fallah, the people of Lofa have resolved to elect Cllr. Jallah as their candidate.
The campaign launch reportedly brought together approximately eight thousand supporters of Cllr. Jallah from several villages in Foya, Vahum and Kolahun districts.
Vahum. Kolahun and Foya districts are located in the lower region of Lofa which has borne the brunt of underdevelopment for years as a result of power being concentrated in the Upper region.
“I, Paramount Chief of Foya district and all the chiefs and elders have agreed to vote for Cllr. Joseph K Jallah. The reason for our decision is because we have always supported anyone the government puts out. That is why in twelve years we supported the UP. We are not here to fight the government; we will support anyone that will come after Cllr. Jallah,” Chief Momo Saah Taylor maintained in an interview with journalists after the campaign rally.
Paramount Chief Taylor said they continue to experience rapid developments in their district as a result of President George Weah’s visit during his county tour, which resulted to the building of a modern house for him, the Paramount chief, the first in the history of Liberia.
In a political campaign that is observed to be free of political tension and violence, the CDC campaign is heavily concentrated in Lower Lofa, a region believed to be the main stronghold of former Vice President Joseph Boakai.
CDC Montserrado County District 5 Representative Thomas Fallah who is leading the campaign for Cllr. Joseph K Jallah told supporters of the ruling Coalition that Foya will fall to the CDC in the pending election.
“Cllr. Joseph Jallah had consistently come second place in the election in Lofa. It is this district that has undermined his victory because of the Boakai factor. But I can assure you that with the level of work we have done and still doing here in Foya, Joseph Boakai will be history very soon. We will beat him in his own professed stronghold of Foya. What have you been looking for in a Joseph Boakai who has failed you, a man who does not even have a fitting home to sleep in here? Do you want to waste your time again? I say to you it is now time to move Foya forward, Thomas Fallah told the enthusiastic crowd.
Several officials of the CDC government hailing from Lofa’s upper region, including Liberia’s Comptroller General Augustus Janka Kowo, Samora P. Z Wolokollie, Jessie Koboi and Pepci Yekeh have launched a vigorous campaign in the Zorzor, Feisubu, Konia and Salayea areas for the CDC candidate.
Former Salayea District Representative, Chief Moses Yarkpawolo Kollie, is leading the CDC campaign efforts in the Salayea area.
The upper region of Lofa has four candidates. Observers believe that the upper region votes would be divided amongst them.
It is also believed that the UP candidate is more popular in the Zorzor region, which is predominately occupied by the Lorma; while Salayea which is occupied by the Kpelleh may likely fall to Cllr. Joseph K Jallah who has a strong base in the area due to the influence of former Representative Chief Yarkpawolo Moses Kollie.
A senior citizen of Zorzor district, Elder Akoi Zubah said he is convinced that the CDC-supported candidate Joseph K Jallah still maintains his votes due to the fact that for three times, voters have consistently given him a second place in the elections.
“The way I see things, Momo Cyrus who is not open to Lofa politics is making headways than Kortimai who has served here as Superintendent. But all in all my son, I will vote for Jallah and I think the people still believe in him.” Akoi Zubah averred.
The campaign team of the CDC has been touring the three districts of Foya, Vahum and Kolahun, making donations and proffering fabulous pledges, assuring the residents of a better leadership under Cllr. Joseph K. Jallah.
The election is slated to be held on tomorrow Tuesday. The winner of the election is expected to be certificated by the National Elections Commission, and inducted by the Senate. to replace the UP former senator-elect Brownie J. Samukai who was indicted by the Supreme Court for misusing money belonging to soldiers of Armed Forces of Liberia.
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