CDC Wants Opposition Voted Out

The Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)is mobilizing its Partisan for the ensuing polling  as the coalition’s Chairman Mulbah Morlu, has urged partisans to vote the opposition out of the pending Senatorial and Representatives by- election in Montserrado County

Morlu made the statement in District #15 Logan Town community on Saturday at its CDC sub- office when he mandated the partisans to gather on July 2 to vote Paulita Wie as Montserrado County Senator and Abu Kamara as District#15 Representative respectively.

He stated that CDCians should also cast their votes to push out the opposition in the pending election in order to foster the legacy and help fulfill the positive agenda of President George Manneh Weah.

“We shouldn’t give the opposition another chance to rule over us, we shouldn’t give them voice to talk over us, we shouldn’t give them the legs to walk over us,” Morlu urged CDC partisans. According to him, if CDCians allow the opposition to win the upcoming election, there will be no voice for CDCians, noting that failure to boot the opposition out of the race will create room for more protests and “CDCians will also be making our President shame.”

He pleaded with residents of District #15 and members of the CDC to vote the two nominees and see the changes they have for Liberians, instead of voting the opposition who will drag the name of the nation in the dust by their hate messages and numerous protests.

Morlu further stated that President George Manneh Weah seeks victory come the pending election and not defeat, adding, “CDCians must not make the President shame.”

He also wants to appreciate CDCians for being respectful and obedient to the mandate of the party which asked that partisans should under no circumstance carryout any sort of violence or hate message on the day of the June 7 assembly.

For his part, Abu Kamara, CDC nominee for Representative in the pending election in District #15, expressed heartfelt thanks and appreciation to President Weah and his cabinet for working hard to bring changes to Liberia in a short period.

“I also want to appreciate the President for standing by me all through the thick and thin and also to say a big thank you to Chairman Mulbah Morlu for taking up his time to caution my people with a positive speech. I must admit, CDC is the best,” Kamara said.

“I already know I am a winner, I will never fail my district, I will never fail the ruling government and I will never betray my President,” Kamara stated. LINA

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