Blazing Star Lodge #17 Observes 50 Anniversary

A three-day celebration marking the 50th anniversary of Blazing Star Lodge#17, (BSL#17), a subordinate Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Liberia ended October 4, 2021 in Schiefflin, Margibi County.

Blazing Star Lodge #17, was reddictation 1971, by the Grand Lodge of Liberia and its currently being presided over by Worshipful Master, Wor. Bro. Jeremiah B. Sackie.

The celebration kicked off on October 2, with a football match between the Margibi District Lodges and the Kakata Old-timers at the Nancy B. Doe Sports Stadium. Margibi District won the match 2:0 with WM Jeremiah B. Sackie scoring the first goal. A special Thanksgiving Services at the St. Augustine Episcopal Church in Kakata, Margibi County, on Sunday, October 3.

The three-day programs were attending by an array of Grand Lodge Officers led by the acting Grand Master of Mason, Republic of Liberia, RWB Anthony W. Deline 33*, the General Grand Worthy Matron of the Order of Eastern Star (OES),  Worthy Sister D. Sheba Browne, along with Brethren and Sisters of nearly all the subordinate Lodges and Chapters within the Liberian jurisdiction.

On Monday, October 4, Blazing Star Lodge#17 carried out a major charity program, distributed foodstuffs including rice, oil and detergent within the communities around its Temple in Schieffline, Margibi County.

Some hundred persons, mainly elderly, pregnant women and ‘baby mothers’ benefited. The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to Blazing Starr Lodge #17 for its continuous gesture of charities, especially in the Schieffline areas.

The charity was followed by groundbreaking and fundraising ceremonies to construct a fence around the BSL #17 Temple in Schieffline, Margibi County.

The Grand Lodge of Liberia, Subordinate Lodges, and the Order of Eastern Star as well as individual Brothers and Sisters of the mystic faternity, made generous contributions and pledges toward the construction of the fence, which is expected to start soon.

Several masonic brothers also offered to provide free engineering services to construct the fence covering nearly two lots.

The celebration was climaxed with a grand banquet, with statements of praises and recognition of Masonic Brothers and Worthy Sisters who have exemplified themselves through hard work, diligence and the promotion of free masonry in Liberia.

The Acting Grand Master of Mason of the Republic of Liberia, RWB Anthony W. Deline 33* and the General Grand Matron of the Order of Eastern Star, (OES), Worthy Sister D. Sheba Browne were awarded special recognitions by the Worshipful Master, of Blazing Star Lodge#17, Wor. Bro. Jeremiah B. Sackie for their invaluable services and hard work to the promotion of free masonry and the OES in Liberia.

Several other Grand Lodge Officers, Worthy Sisters of OES Chapters and as well as Officers of Blazing Star Lodge were also given certificates for their hard work.

Past Masters, Officers and Brethren of Blazing Star Lodge#17, later presented a Portrait of the Worshipful Master, Wor. Bro.Jeremiah B. Sackie to him in recognition of his immense contributions and support to the promotion of free masonry in Liberia.

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